Call for paper
The overall scope for the conference is Knowledge-Intensive Product Realisation in Co-operation for Future Sustainable Competitiveness. SPS2020 invite authors to submit original scientific work or descriptions of industrial applications focused on the following topics:
A. Resource- efficient production
B. Flexible production
C. Virtual production development
D. Humans in the production system
E. Circular production systems and maintenance
F. Integrated product and production development
G. Advanced and optimized components, materials and manufacturing
H. Digitalization for smart products and services
I. Renewal and organizing for sustainable innovation
J. Responsive and efficient operations and supply chains
K. Linking research and education
Important dates
September 25
Extended deadline for abstract and workshop submission
October 1
December 8
Extended deadline full paper
February 1
Review results
March 2
September 2
September 25
Deadline registration
October 7-8
SPS2020 in Jönköping New Dates!
Special sessions
Authors are also welcome to submit original scientific work or descriptions of industrial applications to special sessions that will be organised. There are eight special sessions:
S1. Special session: Education and Teaching in Product Realization for the Future
S2. Special session: Manufacturing Testbeds and Innovation Hubs
S3. Special session: Development of Changeable and Reconfigurable Production
S4. Special session: Supply Chain Relocation
S5. Special session: Collaborative Research Approaches in Practice
S6. Special session: Smart Production System Design and Implementation
S7. Special session: Additive Manufacturing in the Production System
S8. Special session: Management of Manufacturing Digitalization
During the conference there will be two workshops with invited speakers:
WS1. Workshop: Best practice in co-production of education and research
WS2. Workshop: Experiences from the Production2030-doctoral course in International production
We also welcome workshops arranged by others. Submit a description (400-600 words) of your planned workshop for evaluation.
Please select workshop as topic for the submission.
Prepare abstract
Authors from academia, industry, and research institutes are invited to submit abstracts of 400-600 words. The abstract should give an outline of the final paper, indicating the paper’s merits and relevance to the symposium scope, a brief account of the results and the conclusions.
When you submit your abstract, please indicate topic or special session.
The required language is English, and all submissions are made electronically.
All submitted abstracts will be subject to peer-review by the scientific committee.
Prepare full paper
All authors must use the SPS2020 template (click to download) for their full papers while strictly following the IOS Press instructions (click to download). The full paper should be submitted by the SPS2020 Conference Management System by updating your previous abstract submission.
The final paper should be 8-12 pages long. The required language is English, and all submissions are made electronically. Submit the paper according to the deadline as late submissions will not be considered in the review process.
Do not forget to activate and use spell-check in the word template before you send in the full paper.
All full papers will be subject to peer-review by the scientific committee. To increase quality and minimize the risk of bias, the review process is double blinded. To allow this, no name of authors should be included in the full paper manuscript to be reviewed. Authors are to be added in the final version of the camera-ready paper.
The abstract in the full paper should be maximum 300 words. Update the abstract in the EasyChair form so it is the same as in the full paper.
Include 3-5 keywords in the full paper and update the keywords in the EasyChair form if there are any changes.
Authors, when uploading the final version of their manuscripts, automatically express the acceptance in regard to the following copyright agreement with IOS Press:
A paper will not be presented at the conference nor published in the proceedings without an associated early bird registration.
Prepare camera-ready paper
All authors must use the SPS2020 template (click to download) for their camera-ready papers while strictly following the IOS Press instructions (click to download). The camera-ready paper should be submitted by the SPS2020 Conference Management System by updating your previous full paper submission. Submit the paper according to the deadline as late submissions will not be considered in the review process.
Please revise your manuscript with the reviewers' scores and comments taken into consideration.
In a separate document, specify what revisions that were made in response to the reviewers’ scores and comments. Upload this document in EasyChair together with the revised manuscript.
Strictly follow the template and page limitation (max 12 pages in total, the Introduction should not be numbered, and the reference style is based on the IEEE Style with a number in a square bracket, e.g. [1] etc).
Add the authors’ name, affiliation and corresponding author’s email to the manuscript.
Update Abstract (max 300 words), Keywords and Authors in the EasyChair form if changed.
Do not forget to activate and use spell-check in the word template before you send in the camera-ready paper.
Authors, when uploading the final version of their manuscripts, automatically express the acceptance in regard to the following copyright agreement with IOS Press:
All camera-ready papers will be subject to review by the program committee before final acceptance.
A paper will not be presented at the conference nor published in the proceedings without an associated regular full conference registration.
Upload contribution
Submission of camera-ready paper is CLOSED.
Prepare your camera-ready paper according to the instructions above and submit by the SPS2020 Conference Management System (EasyChair), click to access.
Three files are required; camera-ready paper in PDF format (file extension .pdf), camera-ready paper in WORD format (file extension .docx or .doc), and declaration of revisions in PDF format (file extension .pdf).
Best paper award
Two best papers will be selected.
One best paper award (research) will be presented to the author(s) of a paper that demonstrates outstanding research based on its theoretical and empirical contributions.
One best paper award (industrial application) will be presented to the author(s) of a paper that demonstrate outstanding potential for practical, industrial application with a high value for the manufacturing industry.