About the conference
The Swedish Production Symposium is arranged for the 9th time. For the first time we have the honor to welcome you to the beautiful city of Jönköping, located in the middle of south Sweden and close to many interesting, both larger and small- and medium sized, manufacturing companies.
For the first time the Swedish Production Symposium is organized together with the Product Development Academy (PDA) and planned in adjunction to the annual conference of SPARK, Jönköping University’s KK-environment.
During the conference there will be ordinary sessions with different more general topics. There will also be special sessions and workshops.
The overall scope for the conference is Knowledge-Intensive Product Realisation in Co-operation for Future Sustainable Competitiveness.
A. Resource- efficient production
B. Flexible production
C. Virtual production development
D. Humans in the production system
E. Circular production systems and maintenance
F. Integrated product and production development
G. Advanced and optimized components, materials and manufacturing
H. Digitalization for smart products and services
I. Renewal and organizing for sustainable innovation
J. Responsive and efficient operations and supply chains
K. Linking research and education
Special sessions
S1. Special session: Development of Changeable and Reconfigurable Production
Emerging trends of Industry 4.0 and digitalization, as well as changeable, reconfigurable, and flexible concepts have the potential to radically change the way production companies manage product variety, customization, and frequent new product introductions. This special session welcomes research contributions on how to handle and benefit from variety, frequent product introduction, and customization in production, with focus on reconfigurable and flexible production systems, modularity and platform-based production, production systems for customized products, and virtual support for changeable production.
Chaired by:
Ann-Louise Andersen, Aalborg University, Denmark.
Carin Rösiö, School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Sweden.
Alessia Napoleone, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
S2. Special session: Smart Production System Design and Implementation
Smart production systems opens up for promising opportunities but managing its implications for design and implementation in production is immensely complex. Manufacturing companies need to build strategic capabilities to support the transition from the current production systems towards a smart production system and a factory. Today much attention is focused on the technology, rather than on users, and neither academia nor practice provides sufficient support. Therefore, the specific focus of the special session is on the design and implementation of smart production systems.
Chaired by:
Jessica Bruch, Mälardalen University, Sweden.
Anna Syberfeldt and Tehseen Aslan, University of Skövde, Sweden.
Koteshwar Chirumalla and Erik Flores, Mälardalen University, Sweden.
S3. Special session: Supply Chain Relocation
It has been argued that the manufacturing location decision often is based on vague grounds, and that managers feel that it is difficult to find good support on how to evaluate this type of decisions. It has also been concluded that these decisions need to be evaluated from a supply chain perspective and include the past decisions in order to explore how the decision has evolved over time (i.e. the relocation pattern). Thus, there is a need to start evaluating manufacturing location decisions from a holistic supply chain perspective in order to make decisions that are resilient over time. The aim of this special track is to capture new trends and issues in the field of supply chain relocation with a particular emphasis on decision support development.
Chaired by:
Per Hilletofth, School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Sweden.
Jan Olhager, Lund University, Sweden.
S4. Special session: Management of Manufacturing Digitalization
This Special Session focuses on management aspects for companies implementing Industry 4.0. It is based on the Civilingenjör 4.0 course module C8, aiming to provide improved understanding of the increasing digitization of industrial production with future development of the business, different stakeholders, roles, practices, and work tasks in production or related areas. It is a basis for critical analysis of ethical, security and integrity challenges through increased digitalization of production. Session participants are invited to contribute with different views on opportunities and challenges of managing manufacturing digitalization; how it affects organization, work environment and business models, and how this can be addressed in engineering education and life-long learning for practising engineers.
Chaired by:
Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck, Luleå University of Technology, Sweden
Monica Bellgran, KTH Royal Institute of Technology , Sweden
S5. Special session: Additive Manufacturing in the Production System
This session will address the state of art and highlight important research questions in additive manufacturing. The session is primarily concentrated on additive manufacturing as a production method and its role in the production system. It can for example concern the automation of production lines where AM is an integral part. It can be on how to operate AM machines efficiently and it can involve the automation of pre and post processing or the handling and recovery of materials. Further, it can involve economical, sustainability or safety aspects of AM production or it can be on quality and productivity issues of the AM process. Contributions from all branches and all types of AM processes are welcomed. Examples of topics are: quality control, process simulation, calculation methods for cost and sustainability and process planning.
Chaired by:
Roland Stolt, School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Sweden.
For the first time the Swedish Production Symposium is organized together with the Product Development Academy (PDA) and planned in adjunction to the annual conference of SPARK, Jönköping University’s KK-environment.
Scientific committee
Members from the Swedish Production Academy (SPA) and Product Development Academy - Sweden (PDA).
Lena Abrahamsson, LTU, Sweden (SPA)
Carin Andersson, LTH, Sweden (SPA)
Andreas Archenti, KTH, Sweden (SPA)
Monica Belllgran, KTH, Sweden (SPA)
Thomas Beno, HV, Sweden (SPA)
Mats Björkman, LiU, Sweden (SPA)
Gunnar Bolmsjö, LNU, Sweden (SPA)
Jessica Bruch, MDH, Sweden (SPA)
Anders Jarfors, JTH, Sweden (SPA) – member of programme committee
Björn Johansson, Chalmers, Sweden (SPA)
Glenn Johansson, JTH, MDH, Sweden (SPA and PDA) – member of programme committee
Mats Johansson, Chalmers, Sweden (SPA)
Alexander Kaplan, LTU, Sweden (SPA)
Pavel Krakhmalev, KaU, Sweden (SPA)
Peter Krajnik, Chalmers, Sweden (SPA)
Bengt Lindberg, KTH, Sweden (SPA)
Amos Ng, HiS, Sweden (SPA)
Per Nylén, HV, Sweden (SPA)
Mauro Onori, KTH, Sweden (SPA)
Lars Pejryd, ORU, Sweden (SPA)
Bengt-Göran (BG) Rosén, HH, Sweden (SPA)
Erik Sundin, LiU, Sweden (SPA)
Johan Stahre, Chalmers, Sweden (SPA)
Jan-Eric Ståhl, LTH, Sweden (SPA)
Anna Syberfeldt, HiS, Sweden (SPA)
Kristina Säfsten, JTH, Sweden (SPA) – conference chair
Rikard Söderberg, Chalmers, Sweden (SPA)
Leo DeVin, KU, Sweden (SPA)
Lihui Wang, KTH, Sweden (SPA)
Magnus Wiktorsson, KTH, Sweden (SPA)
Jinming Zhou, LTH, Sweden (SPA)
Anna Öhrwall Rönnbäck, LTU, Sweden (SPA and PDA)
Fredrik Elgh, JTH, Sweden (PDA) – conference co-chair
Björn Fagerström, MDH, Sweden (PDA)
Dan Högberg, HiS, Sweden (PDA)
Ola Isaksson, Chalmers, Sweden (PDA)
Tobias Larsson, BTH, Sweden (PDA)
Anders Warell, LTH, Sweden (PDA)
Johan Ölvander, LiU, Sweden (PDA)
Programme committee
Kristina Säfsten (chair), School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
Fredrik Elgh (co-chair), School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
Joel Johansson, School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
Carin Rösiö, School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
Anders Jarfors, School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
Kerstin Johansen, School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
Roland Stolt, School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
Linda Bergqvist, School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
Jenny Bäckstrand, School of Engineering, Jönköping University.
Mats Jackson, Jönköping University/SPARK.
Glenn Johansson, School of Engineering, Jönköping University.